It is with great pleasure that we inform you that our new website is online.

Completely renewed in the graphic aspect, it incorporates and enhances the colors of the new Coro Marketing logo.

 The graphic restyling has been structured and designed to make the communication of our services and activities easier and more immediate, designed to be user-friendly, responsive for a more intuitive navigation by the user, on all desktops, tablets and smartphones.

Of particular importance is the new “News” section, constantly updated in its contents relating to the projects and promotions of Coro Marketing, information that you can also find on our Linkedin channel.

A new section “Our history” has also been added, a gallery of images that represents what have been Coro Marketing’s best initiatives in over 25 year of activity.

We worked to create a website that was able to best express our professionalism and that best conveyed our work and the way we do it, this is our motto, this is our Mission:

We listen to the customer, turn on the ideas, develop the products: we create the loyalty experience.

 Happy surfing at all.